Looking for your next step?

Sign up for a Bible Study happening throughout the year or get on the list to be notified when Fall 2024 signups open!





  • As Julie Andrews once sang, “let’s start at the very beginning— a very good place to start.” In this track, you’ll learn about the foundations of the Christian faith, including exploring who Jesus is and what a faith in Him entails. This track is for everyone— the skeptics, the new-to-faith’s, and the longtime Christians who want to go back to the basics.

    *this track runs from mid-September to mid-January with the option to continue on with a follow up track that will end mid-May.

  • You say, “don’t put me in a box!” and we say, “you’re already in one, so let’s work to get out of it.” This track examines your inner world to see where you’re out of alignment with God’s design. Through the unpacking of core emotions and your story, you will move towards spiritual and emotional health, and ultimately, towards God’s desire for your full life in Him.

  • Ever feel like the Holy Spirit is a party that everyone was invited to except you? This track is the invitation— the invitation to believe that, as followers of Jesus, we all have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. Through learning and practicing various contemplative rhythms, you’ll discover what a life looks like that has been deeply formed by the way of Jesus and the awareness of the Spirit.

  • The good news: you don’t have to wait until you’re 95 and at the end of your life to access wisdom. You can start now! This track will help you identify lies and learn how to combat them, becoming a wiser person, and ultimately ask, “how can I rethink ___ in love?”

  • No, not an Ed Sheeran album. This track explores how to live a more missional life consistent with the life of Christ and take a new approach to your daily work, ultimately living a surprising life to those around you and multiplying the Kingdom of God.

Our Discipleship Tracks are 4 and 9 month group-based experiences around created and curated guided content. You’ll focus on growth in specific areas while developing deep relationships.

is your group for the next 9 months. You'll wrap around each other and be a place of encouragement, challenge, prayer, and safety as you become more like Jesus together and keep him as the central point.

is the format of these groups. That means a mix of in-person and over-Zoom meetings! While in person is the best for connection, we’ve also found Zoom to be a super helpful tool for people with kids, people who travel for work, or just for when life happens.

  • Good question! We offered small groups for most of the years that we’ve been a church, but we didn’t see a lot of fruit coming from them. While we had great leaders, we noticed that they weren’t equipped to lead their groups well. We weren’t seeing growth in people in even some foundational spiritual skills, and so we decided to blow up the small group model and try something new.

  • YES! One of our coaches has coached Aligning something like 5 times, and she still says she gets new things out of it every time. The truth is that the makeup and dynamic will be different in every group you’re in, the track content is always evolving, and God always has more for you to learn. We are never going to “master” something, whether it’s prayer, theology, or emotional literacy. You can always get more out of a track, even if you’ve already taken it.

  • We always want to cultivate rhythms of unhurriedness as opposed to hustle when it comes to spiritual depth. If we are really looking to grow in our faith and re-organize our lives around Jesus, then it’s going to take time. It takes time to establish habits and discipline, time to build up relational equity within a group, and time to work though content in deeper ways and really process it so that there is actual change in our lives.

    We picture faith like training for a marathon vs attending a P.E. class. Is a P.E. class here and there good for you? Of course. It gets you moving a little bit, but does it provide long term change or transformation? Of course not.

    The mindset for training for a marathon is different: you know that you need coaching and to follow a plan that helps to build up habits and endurance. You need people to train with you and encourage you. You know it will be hard, but worth it, and there will be true change that happens in you.

    Over the course of the 9 months, we want you to experience true change and growth. We want you to have the time to work through content in deeper ways as well as build up relational equity with the people in your cohort. Is it a big commitment? Yep!

  • Our staff has created some original content as well as curated other content that has been created by other really smart people. No matter the track focus, we want everyone to know Jesus and know the Bible, and those are the lenses that we are viewing things through.

    In each track, there will be the Bible and there will also be other voices teaching and challenging us in how to live out our faith. Each track has a different focus and we have chosen materials that we believe speak to the way that we want to see God transform us as a community. Will you enjoy every single thing that every author we put in front of you has to say? We hope so, but maybe not and that’s ok! It’s important to listen to a variety of voices including those in your cohort so we can process together what it looks like for us to follow Jesus.

    *Note: the use of any book for a Discipleship track doesn't mean Hill City's wholehearted endorsement of the book's author or their other works of writing. What we DO wholeheartedly endorse is staying curious and being willing to engage content we might initially not agree with, because there's always something to learn if we're willing to look for it.

  • You’ll be in a cohort, or group, with 5-7 other people, either of the same sex or co-ed based on the track and the content. These groups are intentionally put together to be as diverse as possible, including being intergenerational, because there’s so much we can learn from each other in all different stages. We’ve seen so many beautiful friendships blossom from this!

  • While there is technically not a specific order you HAVE to take tracks in, there are certain tracks that fit better at certain stages. For example, if you’re brand new to faith, your best fit is Exploring. If you have a strong faith foundation, then any of them could come first. We would love to help you figure out which track is best for you, so if you need help, email natalie@hillcityrva.com!

  • A few reasons: every track uses a lot of materials like books, printed journals, and digital resources, and your cost helps to cover some of that. We never make money off of these- this is just to help offset the cost. We try to keep prices as low as we can, but we also never want money to be a barrier, so we always offer assistance for those who ask for it. Another thing the cost helps with is helping you have more skin in the game. We’ve found that when you pay for something, your commitment level is a lot higher.

  • Each track has a different rhythm to it, but in general you can expect about 1-2 hours of homework a week. We’ve been super intentional about creating learning experiences that are really engaging and help you retain information, but our hope is that it will be an enjoyable part of your week and not something that you check off a list!

  • Yes! These tracks are designed so that you move through them with the same cohort for the entire 9 months.

  • It’s true that this is a big commitment and may not be your best next step! We also have Community Groups if you just want to find friends, a Bible study you can join in on, or you can join the team!